



In 1960 American Lutheran's congregation met to discuss having a sister congregation as the existing church congregation was so large it could no longer serve its increasing membership. Land was purchased on Ohio Avenue. Construction began Sept. 1962 and completed summer of 1963 for a total cost of $64,000.00.


1963: Church Fellowship Hall completed

1963: Parsonage completed

1963: First Worship Service on September 8th 

1972: Temporary Ed Building (7 classrooms) dedicated

1972: Congregation constructed a new sanctuary

1973: 1Oth Anniversary

1979: Ground breaking Service New Sanctuary on September 23rd

1980: New Sanctuary & Education Unit completed

1980: Dedication Service on September 21st

1988: 25th Anniversary

2003: 40th Anniversary Picture Directory



Ralph Johnshoy served Nov. 24, 1963-April 1976 (Retired)

Conrad Aamodt served June 16, 1976-July 28, 1985 (Deceased)

Marlin Wangsness served Oct. 6, 1985-Dec. 31, 2001 (Retired)

January 2002 to January 2003 American Lutheran Church Pastors filled in:

Pastor Steve Brandsrud, Pastor Rhonda Wellsandt-Zell

Rick Senner served Jan. 4, 2003-Nov. 31, 2011 (Currently serving Howard Lutheran)

Interim Pastor Roger Noer Dec. 2011- June 2011

Katie Jerabek served Oct 28, 2012- November 29, 2015

Interim Pastor Gary Anderson December 1, 2015 to May 2017

Pastor Joanne Nagele serving June 2017 to present.


Picture Directories:

1966, 1975, 1988, 1992, 1997, 2003 (40th year of Our Savior's), 2008, 2012, 2017